Fiamma donations
Fiamma Pizza and Fiamma Burger are locally owned and operated businesses located in downtown Bellingham. Since 1998, it has been our policy to maintain a commitment to our community through sponsorship or service in community programs. We are fortunate to be living and working in Bellingham, and we feel it is our duty to assist organizations and events that benefit individuals in need. We also support efforts that enhance the quality of life as a whole through the arts, music, downtown development, and community events. Our preference, however, is toward an educational component, outreach to underserved portions of our community, and/or events that target the larger community. We will remain politically neutral in our associations, and have no opinions on issues controversial or discordant in nature. Some of the organizations that have received donations are: Boys & Girls Club of Whatcom County, Allied Arts Chalk Art Festival, Brigid Collins House, Womencare Shelter, NSEA, Bellingham Food Bank, Whatcom Museum, Slum Doctor Programme, Kulshan Community Land Trust, and many more.
We prefer to donate gift certificates or products that have the potential to generate revenue beyond actual dollar value at a charity event. We are interested in the success of your event and in how our contribution can help lead to that success. We love interesting and unusual promotional ideas! Bear in mind that while we can feed volunteers on occasion as part of our sponsorship, we do not typically provide food for meetings and events that aren’t sponsored or fundraisers.
Any group believing it meets our giving criteria is welcome to submit a Request For Donation form. We will do our best to accommodate qualifying requests within our budget. Denial of a request should not be considered a judgment about your organization and should not discourage you from making a future request. Due to the large number of donation inquiries, we cannot respond to each group if we are not able to accommodate a specific request at a certain time. Thanks for your understanding.
Please make your request a minimum of 30 days in advance of your need.
Thank you for including Fiamma PIzza and Fiamma Burger among your list of potential donors.